Honor thy parents!!

Today is my mom's birthday and there are no words to express how much I miss her. She went home to be with the Lord almost 3 years before.When she was living, I never thought, not even in my wildest imagination that I will be without my mom at a very young age itself. So I just took her role in my life as granted and never expressed my love, care, respect and affection for which I am deeply regretting . My regret is for the thoughts I had that time, procrastinating my duty to show my love and affection to my parents. I always thought a time will come, when I can repay all the love and care they showered on me. In fact, both my parents didn't wait for that, they both died much before the specified time I kept for honoring them. This pain of mine is an intense call to every child, to honor your father and mother, no matter how old you are, where you are, what situation you are in.... As the Bible urges us in Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and your mother, that your day...