
My mobile phones only ring for:

Ji..good morning, do you know where Citibank is located?
Chech…I need some money urgently, how much you have with you?
Ma..I have a friend who is looking for a job, can you please recommend?
Sush.. I need an investor… can you please put a word to your clients?
Hey Buddy! I have a flight at 4..Can you please drop me at the airport?
Susha…this week is my driving test and you know that this is the 5th trial…….
……….Did you manage to speak to that guy??
Hi baby…I am broken…I need to speak with you..I know you will have a solution…
Hey where did you buy that outfit from..? Can you please take me to that shop today?
Hi, did you find how much is the market rate for Blackberry?
Can you please take my document also…I know you visit there often…
You don’t know I got married last week..why don’t you invite us for dinner?

These are all my loved ones and so called friends…

My mobile phones never ring for….

I was thinking about you and hence gave you a buzz…
The other day I saw you in the hospital…are you ok?
I know you miss your parents…can I spend some time with you..
I didn’t see you in church yesterday. Is everything ok with you..
I heard from him, that recession has hit you badly…please call me
in case you need a helping hand..
I know you car is broken..I am anyways going that side..need a lift?
Hey, that call of yours really helped..thanks a lot…

So I have concluded that my clients are better than my friends..
They demand…not out of love…but for my efficiency…
Though love factor is missing often in their conversations….
I am satisfied…. I am paid for each minute I spend for them!!
Now grant me God, the gift to silence my cell phones and to
Muddle through my world deprived of love and care..


no need to explain, as these lines draw the picture perfectly...
nothing to comment......
"hearing u r heart beats......."
Shaf said…

Musthafa said…
Very true, sushaji.
But, do you and me do the same?
susha said…
Hi Musthu..thanks for ur comments..if i would have done the same thing...i believe my mobile wouldn't have sounded so often...

No comments :(
Navi said…
that is the truth..
Hai,Susaji now again I remember you :)
a contemporary situation beautifully narrated. I don't think there would be a 'no go to susha' even after this scribblings. The reason is, you are a resource person and others are not. So heed to the rings and keep writing :)

joshuapaul said…
i didn't know u r such a poet
but u managed to be so quiet
though i was really quite
shaken thru the night

the time has come for satan to bite
the dust under the daughter of light!

We all love u so dearly....
don't underestimate our silence
very true. A very few calls me just to say hi and hellow.
Saheer Abdullah said…
i copy Arif :(
Rahul said…

I guess this has to be your best so far...

Maybe because it came from the heart.

Brave writing as well, I guess it will ruffle a few feathers :)
Unknown said…
The TRUTH nothing but the TRUTH.. This is the world at present! It never used to be like this till materialism broke in. Ego followed in..Then haughtiness, hypocrisy, selfishness and so on..In such a world we have to survive till our last breath..Have the courage to overcome and surmount. Cheers

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