
"Gosh...Its 6:30..Now I have to rush..You have given me too many responsibilties God..Children have exams today...Even I have some important meeting...I promised my teachers that I will be there today at 9. dot.." She thought...She saw her husband already making breakfast and tea..." God!! thank you for giving such a wonderful man in my life...If it was not him...No one else can understand me other than him..." She smiled at her husband thinking how lucky she was to get a partner like him...
" Well children!!" she came to the room where children were sleeping..." Sleeping like a log"...she told to his only son.." You have grown up so much and why cant you get up early in the morning and study?? See...I could see the light in Mathew's house from 4.A.M. onwards...If you sleep like this you can become Mathew's servant...Oh God what all should I see in this life??" She screamed at notice that her younger one is trying to find out what in the world is happening.
"Baby get have exams today... I know you have studied eveything yesterday...but still cant you go through that lessons once more"
This was my mom ..a super woman...Who was capable to play the role of a wife, mother, teacher, social worker and what not...This article is dedicated to all the mothers and fathers who are affected by AlZheimer's disease....
She was a committed and faithful wife to her hubby...She was with him in all his tough cry with him and to share his happiness.All his love poured out when her hubby was admitted in hospital due to kidney failure. Long four months she was beside his hospital bed..didnt even care to eat, dint even care to drink, to change clothes..not even she went out of her hospital room...I have even thought..."Mom is soon going to be fed up with this ..This is being 4 months now"..The same day she told me..."Baby I have asked God to give your Dad atleast like this..but living.. I can take care of him...till my life ends.." And out of her despair she went and told the docter "Maam I will sell everything and pay the hospital whatever you can to save my husband..."
And when he took his last breathe also..she hoped that he will be there ..wont die...And everyone who saw her told.."Your dad is the luckiest person..No women in this world...will have such patience and long suffering..."
She fought with her kids...And all were in good position...She was more than happy to see her younger one employed in a US company. And every increments and promotions she celebrated..Once she even went to her daughter,s work place...looked everywhere and told "I am proud baby.. I know you will one day achieve great things.."She fought with her little one to send some amount from her monthly earnings to her.."Mom you have so much money and why do you always insist that you need my money" the lil one screamed at her on phone...She never replied but later her children found out that each and every penny sent to her by her children were safely deposited. She was a mother who cared for her children..who gave priority to her children than for her own needs...She taught her children, got annoyed when they disobeyed her, cried when her children chose their own way..She even cried during her children's marriage day ..thinking that her kids choice abt their life partner were wrong.
And now she is in the world of pain. She loves and wants to live in the present but all she can remember is of her childhood days. Mamma, how happy you would have been to see your children all enjoying good life and see them blessed? Dont you want to see your grandchildren..wont your brain ever expand back to the normal to see their sweet sounds? Wont you ever call us by our pet names? Wont you ever be a mom to us?
This is from the heart of your lil one..the one who always wanted to be with you forever..When you are in need responsibilities and committments are not allowing me to be on your side..Recently have you been thinking about me mamma? Before you close your eyes for ever and before your journey to be with your loved thing I wish...One day ...atleast for a day..Can you be my old mamma??