Letter to my Dad..

I missed you when mom and brother tried to get me married off
at the age of 18 because there was no one to look after me. I
believe your presence was with me when I fought aganist all the
odds and decided to continue my studies no matter what....
I missed you when I took up my first job, when rest of the
world tried to discourage me by telling "there is nothing much
you can do by working". Your words and advices which I gathered
in a short period gave me the boldness to face all the resistance...
I missed you on my wedding day..when I spelt wedding vows to
my partner..tears were rolling when I realised that there is
no one in this world to replace my father and when my marriage
happened as if it was nobody's business...
I miss you each and every day when people accuses me, points out
my inefficiencies.. I realise better that there is no one to defend
me and you are not there anymore in this world to comfort me...
And now I miss you each and every moment...and I wonder why
I didnt tell you in person, atleast once 'that I love you more than
any other person in this world'
Really touching Letter :(
any other person in this world'
what a touchy words dear..!!